Trusted Postgres Architect 23.29 release notes v23

Released: 15 Feb 2024

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in Trusted Postgres Architect 23.29 include the following:

EnhancementAdded support for storing the cluster vault password in the system keyring. This leverages python keyring module to store vault password in the supported system keyring when keyring_backend is set to system (default for new clusters). This change does not impact existing clusters or any clusters that set keyring_backend to legacy in config.yml.
EnhancementThe --ansible-version argument to tpaexec setup now accepts 8 or 9 as valid ansible versions, as well as the existing 2q or community, both of which imply ansible 2.9. The default is now 8. Support for ansible 9 is experimental and requires python 3.10 or above.
Bug FixFixed an issue whereby edb_repositories already defined in config.yml are not kept during reconfigure. Fixes bdr4 to pgd5 upgrade scenario in air gapped environment.
Bug FixTPA's postgres-monitor will now recognize the message "the database system is not yet accepting connections" as a recoverable error.
Bug FixTPA now correctly skips the postgres/config/final role on replicas when upgrading.
Bug FixFixed an issue whereby wildcards in package names were not respected when using package downloader on Debian and Ubuntu systems.
Bug FixThe downloader now runs apt-get update before fetching packages on Debian and Ubuntu systems.
Bug FixTPA now disables transaction streaming when CAMO is enabled in PGD clusters.
Bug FixTPA now correctly configures Barman servers where selinux is enabled.