Assembling a deployment command v1

For a quick installation with the aim of testing the product, see Quick start.

For more targeted testing or production purposes, you can assemble a command to deploy EDB Postgres Distributed for Kubernetes with the operand and proxy image versions of your choice.


Gather the following information:

Assembling your command

Replace the placeholders in <...> with the gathered information:

helm upgrade --dependency-update \
  --install edb-pg4k-pgd \ 
  --namespace pgd-operator-system \
  --create-namespace \
  edb/edb-postgres-distributed-for-kubernetes \
  --set edb-postgres-for-kubernetes.enabled=true \
  --set<REPOSITORY_NAME>/pg4k-pgd \ 
  --set<REPOSITORY_NAME>/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes \
  --set image.imageCredentials.username=<REPOSITORY_NAME> \
  --set image.imageCredentials.password=<EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN>

After assembling the command with the required images, see Installation for instructions on how to add the repository, deploy the images, and create a certificate issuer.


These example commands:

  • Pull images from the k8s_enterprise_pgd repository.
  • Use EBD Postgres Advanced Server 15.6.2 as the Postgres option.
  • Use PGD 5.4.1 as the Postgres Distributed version.
  • Use 5.4.0 as the PGD Proxy version.

Example 1: Setting the environment variables before you run the deployment command

Set the environment variables for the deployment command:

  1. Set the environment variable to pull images from the k8s_enterprise_pgd repository:

    export REPOSITORY_NAME=k8s_enterprise_pgd
  2. Set the environment variable to use your personal token:

    export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=<my_registry_token>
  3. Set the environment variable to use EBD Postgres Advanced Server 15.6.2 as the Postgres option and PGD 5.4.1 as the Postgres Distributed version:

    export OPERAND_NAME=edb-postgres-advanced-pgd:15.6.2-5.4.1-1
  4. Set the environment variable to use 5.4.0 as the PGD Proxy version:

    export PGD-PROXY=edb-pgd-proxy:5.4.0
  5. Run the deployment command:

    helm upgrade --dependency-update \
      --install edb-pg4k-pgd \ 
      --namespace pgd-operator-system \
      --create-namespace \
      edb/edb-postgres-distributed-for-kubernetes \
      --set edb-postgres-for-kubernetes.enabled=true \
      --set${REPOSITORY_NAME}/pg4k-pgd \ 
      --set${REPOSITORY_NAME}/edb-postgres-for-kubernetes \
      --set image.imageCredentials.username=${REPOSITORY_NAME} \
      --set image.imageCredentials.password=${EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN}

Example 2: Replacing the placeholders manually

  1. Set the environment variable to use your personal token:

    export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=<my_registry_token>
  2. Insert the repository, image, and proxy names into the command:

    helm upgrade --dependency-update \
      --install edb-pg4k-pgd \ 
      --namespace pgd-operator-system \
      --create-namespace \
      edb/edb-postgres-distributed-for-kubernetes \
      --set edb-postgres-for-kubernetes.enabled=true \
      --set \ 
      --set \
      --set \
      --set image.imageCredentials.username=k8s_enterprise_pgd \
      --set image.imageCredentials.password=${EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN}