Metrics Ingestion into the control plane

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All agents in the EDB Postgres AI Estate send metrics to the EDB Postgres AI control plane.

Currently ingestion brings in the following metrics into the Estate:

  • Database size - derived from pg_database_size() and presented in MiB.
  • Recovery status - derived from pg_is_in_recovery().
  • Postgres version - derived from version().
  • Host name1 - derived from gopsutil.Hostname()
  • Operating system1 - derived from gopsutil.OS() for example "linux".
  • Platform1 - derived from gopsutil.Platform(), for example "ubuntu".
  • Platform version1 - derived from gopsutil.PlatformVersion(), for example "20.04".
  • CPU count1 - derived from gopsutil.CPUs.Counts().

1 The agent acquires these metrics from the host where the agent is running and aren't currently collected from the database itself. They're also not currently displayed in the EDB Postgres AI Console.

The metrics ingestion process is secure and doesn't collect any data from the tables themselves.

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